can I get my dream job?

I started writing two years ago, and start working 5 years ago.. 

whoa that sounds so long ya? 
No its not, but it’s a long process. When I ask my parents if I can go to Jakarta to go visiting my friends after graduated, they allow me to go (P.S: I have a strict parents issues) then I ask my friends if I could stay in her kost (rent room) for a while there I started applying my job form Yogyakarta, then I have one job interview opportunities. 

I go to Lamudi (startup company) it all goes so well then I met the user which is an expatriate He ask me if I want the salary they offer, but I was too arrogant as a fresh graduate I said that I don’t want it if the salary didn’t meet my expectations …. And there i am getting rejected… HAHAHA 

Long story short, I try and try applying job (re: thousands job) but only few ask me to get to the interview job.. I keep trying till one day I told my dad if I didn’t get a job till weekend then I’ll go home (bcs im tired going to interview and way too long staying in my friends kost). That day I got called from an outsource company that I can work in Monday as a call centre agent as an outsource employee. 

I work there for one year, and promoted as a team leader. When I was announced as a team leader of 10 people, my friends (many of them) didn’t want me as their team leader and told me that I am not capable enough to get it. It makes me down that time, but do I trust what they say? Ofc noooo, I try to ask myself what can I do so I can make me capable to get this? I go and take my master class. When I graduated, most of my friend said ‘what would you do with your degree? You already graduated as a master but you only work as an outsource employee?’ people always have things to say. 

Time pass by, as an outsource employee you can’t work more than 3 years and I started my career as a relationship manager (re: marketing). Again when I moved one to another bank they said ‘you said you work as a permanent employee, but why you always move’ that time I have things in my mind said ‘geeezzz… people really do care about what other people doing ya?’ but if you would take a look, the people that say those things to you are the one who didn’t grow they take their time to criticize other people make you feel down so they can drown you as low as what they feel about yourself. 

Its funny, really funny. But I still get going, one thing I always said to myself is that ‘I don’t know how will I get it, but I will get it’ its not only a belief but I know that God want to help me to achieve my goals. Everyday I go to sleep one pray that I always said ‘God, let me rejoice your name in everything that I do in every work that I can do with my hands.’ I didn’t pray for other to believe in me, or getting respect or working at the big four company etc. 

By writing this blog today, I am now getting my dream job. Its literally that specific that I said I wanted since the first time I go to Jakarta. I’m thrilled, to look back how God wants me to go through the process and get exactly what I want He really working something inside me. 

It’s a long process if you really want to get what you want in life, many people will have doubt in you but please remember that you only. Only work for God, so if no one believe in you. You know God will always believe that you can rejoice His name by your work. 

Be so complete, so no one can resist your completeness. Be so genuine and great in whatever you do, so there will be no other option they could choose than you. Be patient with yourself, it’s a long long process that you will go through. 

Loving yourself, so much.. so that when everyone leave you. You can pat yourself and said ‘I got you! We will going through this together in God hands. That’s allllllllll, I hope you believe in yourself that you capable so much more than anyone could believe. Ciao!
